Happy New Year 2010

A happy new year to all our PubMan users!

And the new year has already some good news in store:
By the end of 2009 we were able to complete the migration of our second institute – a warm welcome to the MPI for Gravitational Physics! The migration process was characterized by a close collaboration: The institute has been working consistently on their data so that the migration team of the MPDL was finally able to migrate more than 2300 datasets (a lot of them with fulltexts or supplementary material) from eDoc to PubMan. As of January the institute will begin with the submission of new publications of the ongoing year.

Looking ahead the next migration candidates are already in preparation for the productive use of PubMan. So we look forward to having a lively and successful cooperation with all interested institutes and wish you a good start into the new year!

Browser compatibility and accessibility of PubMan

Please keep in mind always to use a browser version which is up-to-date. It’s release date should never date back more than 5 years (at least). Besides security aspects a current browser provides the ease of use modern web interfaces provide.

Due to the implementation of the underlying system older browsers may not support the browser back button properly (IE6) and Java Script is mandatory to run PubMan.

For browser compatibility and accessibility of user interfaces built by the user interface engineering team, please visit:

  • CoLab Page on Browser compatibility and accessibility of the PubMan user interface
  • CoLab page on GUI accessibility

PubMan Training in Goettingen – 18th of august 2009

Andrea Seesko held another PubMan Training, this time in Goettingen, MPI for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity. Rike and me joined the training, to provide support for the more technical oriented questions.

Presenting and training on the new released PubMan Version 5.0. was an overall experience, and yes…we detected some (minor) bugs;-).
PubMan Training in Goettingen – 18th of august 2009 weiterlesen

Server Downtime 13.08.

Due to an update of the eSciDoc coreservice on Thursday, August 13th 2009, we have to shut down the PubMan server propably for the whole day (starting at 09:00 in the morning).

The new software will not bring any changes for the usage of PubMan, only some technics in the background will be changed.

We apologize for any inconveniences!
