PubMan Training in Goettingen – 18th of august 2009

Andrea Seesko held another PubMan Training, this time in Goettingen, MPI for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity. Rike and me joined the training, to provide support for the more technical oriented questions.

Presenting and training on the new released PubMan Version 5.0. was an overall experience, and yes…we detected some (minor) bugs;-).

Around 12 participants from various institutes were attending, including representatives from the local IT departments.

During presentation and the training session, some ideas for future development were raised:

  • Filtering of values for auto-suggest lists based on affiliation of the logged-in user
  • Provide plain HTML for including publication lists in local websites
  • Easy (!) integration of publication lists in MPS-wide CMS NPS 5, including the citation style used in NPS 5
  • Provide Help for entering special characters and formulas..a table for copy&paste would be of benefit
  • Batch import/editing for user accounts
  • Batch import in CoNE for person data stored locally

In the afternoon, we had the chance to present the current functionalities of eSciDoc.FACES