Nachdem wir alle Arbeiten erfolgreich abgeschlossen haben, steht den Nutzern des MPG-Publikationsrepositoriums mit PubMan 7.1 nun die jüngste Version unserer Software zur Verfügung.
Dieser Release beinhaltet ein Paket an kleineren und mittelgroßen Neuerungen, welche den Anwendern die Arbeit mit PubMan erleichtern sollen.
Was ist neu in PubMan 7.1? weiterlesen
Release der Version 7.1 am Wochenende
Nun ist es soweit: Unser Run zur Entwicklung von PubMan 7.1 biegt auf die Zielgerade ein.
[Jede Ähnlichkeit zu parallel stattfindenden internationalen Sportveranstaltungen sind rein zufällig]
Am morgigen Freitag, den 10. August möchten wir damit beginnen, die neue PubMan-Version auf dem MPG-Publikations-repositorium zu installieren. Deshalb werden wir das Repositorium morgen gegen 8 Uhr auf ein Read-Only System umschalten.
Release der Version 7.1 am Wochenende weiterlesen
Änderungen in den Namespaces ab PubMan 7.1
Es hat lange gedauert, aber nun ist es absehbar, dass wir bald endlich einen neuen PubMan-Release einspielen können.
PubMan 7.1 wird mit einer aktuelleren Version des eSciDoc-Frameworks arbeiten. Deshalb werden sich einige (wenige) Namespaces ändern.
Änderungen in den Namespaces ab PubMan 7.1 weiterlesen
One Year of Migration
As the last days of 2011 are passing by quickly, we would like to take a brief look back at this year’s migration progress.
One Year of Migration weiterlesen
PubMan is back again
We are very happy to announce that PubMan is up and running!
PubMan Server Down +++ Blackout at GWDG
Dear PubMan users, unfortunatly most of our servers are down due to massive problems at our hosting company. We will inform you as soon as PubMan is available again.
We are very sorry for the inconviniences.
BioMed Central Import is Fixed
As some of you might have noticed we consistently had problems with the BioMed central Import (Thanks to all who reported problems). As it turned out the problem was not on PubMan site, but due to a bug in the BioMed central interface.
BioMed Central Import is Fixed weiterlesen
Multiple Sorting in PubMan Exports
One thing I owe to the community since the PubMan Days is the explanation how publication lists that are exported by the Search&Export service can be sorted by more than one index field.
The use case for this is the integration of sorted publication lists into an institute’s homepage.
Multiple Sorting in PubMan Exports weiterlesen
A brief look back: PubMan Days 2011
PubMan Days 2011 took place at Harnack Haus, Berlin on 7th and 8th September 2011. We were delighted to welcome about 75 participants this year. The big topic of this year’s event was the integration of PubMan data and full texts into external websites. The agenda and the PowerPoint presentations can be found here.
A brief look back: PubMan Days 2011 weiterlesen
Hotfix for Creator Role Problem
Because of the far reaching implications caused by the creator role problem which occurred since the latest PubMan release, we decided to rapidly implement an appropriate hotfix solution.
The modifications have just been implemented within the productive server.
Hotfix for Creator Role Problem weiterlesen