We are planning to prepare our system for future developments and a growing number of users. To that purpose we will perform a storage extention for our live server on the upcoming Thursday, July 29. During the necessary operations, the live server will unfortunately not be available. The deployment of the new data storage is expected to take place between 8:30 and 11:00 am.
Alle Beiträge von PuRe Support Team
RSS/Atom Feeds in PubMan
Did you know that PubMan provides rss and atom feeds for the whole repository and all search requests?
Subscribing a feed is a very easy way to monitor changes in the repository like new publications were released or a new version of a publication was entered etc.
You can subscribe to a feed whenever you see the feed sign in your browser bar , here are some examples:
RSS/Atom Feeds in PubMan weiterlesen
The MPDL at the Open Repositories 2010 Conference in Madrid
Visit us at the Open Repositories 2010 Conference in Madrid (July 6. – 9.)!
- Presentation: „PubMan – one Repository with multiple Usage und Re-Use Possibilities“ Juliane Müller (General Session 2, Tues. 6, 14:00-15:30)
- Poster Session: „The eSciDoc Infrastructure Services and Developments at the Max Planck Digital Library“ Natasa Bulatovic and Friederike Kleinfercher (Tues. 6, 18:30 – 20:00)
- Bird-of-Feather Session: „Reusing and Extending eSciDoc for your e-Research Projects“ at Wed. 7th.
We are looking forward to see you!
A look back at PubMan Days 2010
Berlin, 19thand 20th May 2010
As has been expected, time went by quickly – the PubMan Days 2010 are over. We took many new impressions back with us to Munich and we hope that all of the attendants at least had an interesting and informative time at Harnack-Haus.
Especially, we would like to thank all speakers for their inspiring contributions. Beyond that, we were happy about the lively interest shown by the audience throughout the diverse discussions. Much to our delight, many of the attendants took the opportunity to share their opinions, requirements and ideas with us.
A look back at PubMan Days 2010 weiterlesen
Happy Migration MPI CE :)
The MPDL proudly presents the third successfully migrated institute on PubMan: The MPI for Chemical Ecology!
Together with Diana Mewes – the responsible person for the data migration at the institute – we developed an ICE-specific EndNote mapping (which also greatly influenced the revision and improvement of our generic PubMan EndNote import) and were finally able to migrate nearly 2000 datasets with more than 3000 fulltexts and supplementary material to PubMan.
We want to say thank you for the all time close and productive working togetherness and like to warmly welcome the MPI CE on PubMan!
PubMan Days 2010 – Materials
For all who missed the PubMan Days 2010 or those who want to review the given presentations, the material is now online available:
The presentations of the main program can be found on the PubMan Days 2010 event page in CoLab.
The material from the developer workshop can be viewed here.
New core services – changes on demo instance
The long-awaited magic switch is coming;-)…
We are currently moving all PubMan instances within MPG domain to a new version of eSciDoc core services (Framework 1.2.) The procedure will take several week…and we start with our test/demo instance of PubMan on http://test-pubman.mpdl.mpg.de:8080/pubman/
Please be aware that your test data and test user accounts (incl. contexts, organisational units) will be wiped out due to the new Framework!
If you want to re-activate your test accounts and settings, please write an informal mail to pubman-support@gwdg.de
PubMan Days 2010
We would like to invite our PubMan users as well as all interested people to the upcoming PubMan Days at Harnak Haus in Berlin on the 19th and 20th of May.
Interested? Then you might want to take a look at the agenda here.
PubMan Days 2010 weiterlesen
PubMan Maintenance, 28.04.2010 16:00-20:00
Due to the extension of our database we have to shut down PubMan for maintenance.
We are sorry for any inconvenience!
Ready for the next version?
Currently the MPDL staff is heavily working on a new Release of PubMan (Version 6.1). The implementation of new features and the fixing of bugs detected by our users is now finished and we can go into the QA phase. In this phase the PubMan solution will be heavily tested and further bugs will be fixed.
Therefore we approached the final phase of the release cycle and you can experience the outcome of our efforts soon.
For the curious ones, here are some examples what you can expect in the next PubMan version:
– New ‚Browse‚ functionality (Browse by person, subject and year)
– Rework of our citation management (in close cooperation with pilot institutes)
– New functionality, ‚Rollback item version‘
– user enabled CoNE service
We will keep you up to date on the current PubMan activities in the MPDL!