Schlagwort-Archive: release

6.1 release by next week!

After months of intense preparations and testing, we are getting ready to finally complete the development of the long delayed and eagerly awaited PubMan release 6.1.

The planned deployment of the new version within the live system is expected to take two and a half days, starting on Tuesday, September 14 in the evening.

In order to prevent our users from not being able to access their data for more than two long days, we plan to set up a ‘read only’ system during that time. ‘Read only’ means, you will be able to access as well as search or browse within your items, but it will not be possible to enter new data until the deployment of the new version is finished.
6.1 release by next week! weiterlesen

Ready for the next version?

Currently the MPDL staff is heavily working on a new Release of PubMan (Version 6.1). The implementation of new features and the fixing of bugs detected by our users is now finished and we can go into the QA phase. In this phase the PubMan solution will be heavily tested and further bugs will be fixed.
Therefore we approached the final phase of the release cycle and you can experience the outcome of our efforts soon.

For the curious ones, here are some examples what you can expect in the next PubMan version:
– New ‚Browse‚ functionality (Browse by person, subject and year)
– Rework of our citation management (in close cooperation with pilot institutes)
– New functionality, ‚Rollback item version‘
– user enabled CoNE service

We will keep you up to date on the current PubMan activities in the MPDL!