PubMan R5

Today we have released a brand new version of PubMan, which contains the following new features:

  • Fetch (meta)data from: BioMed Central and SPIRES
  • Provision of copyright information, Creative Commons (CC)–licenses to full texts, embargo date (this complete section is only visible if a file has been uploaded, the embargo date can only be set for restricted or private files)
  • Search for files, which have an embargo date
  • Provision of access rights to full texts: restricted for defined user groups (user groups have to be requested at PubMan Support)
  • Look-up in WorldCat and Google Scholar from the researcher portfolio
  • Change in the standard workflow: the depositor can now modify his/her released items, which will then undergo the quality assurance again
  • E-Mail contact for a specific item (Currently the E-Mail will be sent to PubMan Support and will be distributed from there to the responsible moderator. In the next release one can specify the contact address per institute).
  • Batch Import of items in EndNote, RIS, WoS, BibTeX, eDoc and eSciDoc Format, Batch Submit/Release of imported items, Import Workspace
  • History of affiliations (currently only visible via the organization description)
  • RSS/Atom subscriptions (e.g. advanced search results, new publications from a specific OU, new publications from specific author etc.)
  • Bookmarking services: bookmark PubMan items in Delicious, Connotea, CiteULike
  • Support for search engine indexing (e.g. Google) via sitemaps: gives PubMan items a high ranking position in Google Search results
  • Open Search support
  • MD5 checksum for uploaded files

A complete list of the PubMan functionalities can be found here.

Besides the new features we have some known issues, which will be fixed in one of the next releases. The known ones are the following:

  • Only the moderator can define the user group, which can access a restricted file (as work around we recommend, that the depositor writes down the user group, who should be able to see the file in the submission/release comment).
  • If one has only clicked on batch submit, one can’t batch release afterwards. The batch submit/release only works if batch submit has not been executed before.
  • If you want to upload an EndNote file, please make sure, that there is an empty line at the first place, if not, the first EndNote entry will NOT be imported.
  • Locators can only have visibility „public“ (another visibility can be defined, but it doesn’t have an effect on the locator).

We are very sorry, that we had to have a downtime for that release, but we are sure waiting for it did finally paid off.

Enjoy testing on our demo server!

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