On Tuesday, 21st of July 2009 around 12 o’clock an error in the so called „Fabric“ at the hosting-site of our hosting-partner GWDG happend. The „Fabric“ is the part of the SAN (Storage Area Network) that connect the SAN with the actual servers. When we decided for the hardware to be aquired for the production environment of PubMan we deliberately chose the SAN for storage because a SAN is one of the most secure ways to store data, because it’s eliminating most single points of failure.
Further information about the SAN storage problems at the end of July weiterlesen
PubMan up and running again
We are happy to inform you: PubMan is up and running again!
First of all let us apologize to all of you for PubMan being down the last few days.
More details on the technical problems will follow soon.
We are sorry for any invonveniences!
PubMan unfortunaltely down again
Due to server problems (SAN storage) at our hosting partner, we had to decide again on a downtime for PubMan.
http://pubman.mpdl.mpg.de/pubman/ is not reachable since 11:00 a.m. We are aware of the critical situation especially for the colleagues, who depend on the data for the website. We are currently trying to reach someone responsible at our hosting partner for trouble shooting, but it seems we will have to wait for Monday.
We are really sorry, we do our best to find a solution. You’ll get informed as soon as the problems are fixed.
PubMan available again
The storage problems have been solved, PubMan is available again. More details on the technical problems will follow soon for the ones interested.
Sorry for any inconveniences!
Downtime on PubMan
Due to server problems (SAN storage) at our hosting partner, we had to decide on a downtime for PubMan.
http://pubman.mpdl.mpg.de/pubman/ is not reachable since 14:00 this afternoon. We are very sorry for any inconveniences caused!
You’ll get informed as soon as the problems are fixed.
PubMan "Schnupperkurs", 9.6.2009 in Hamburg
On June 9th, a PubMan „Schnupperkurs“ for several librarians of the Max Planck Society (MPS) took place in Hamburg. The aim of the workshop was, that the participants get a first impression on PubMan. At the beginning of the four-hour-workshop we discussed extensively; about PubMan in general. After a break, the participants could test all PubMan features on their own.
PubMan "Schnupperkurs", 9.6.2009 in Hamburg weiterlesen
New videos out on PubMan user workspaces
The workspaces in PubMan serve as a kind of role specific desktop. Dependant on the role you have in the system you will have either a depositor workspace (my items) or a quality assurance workspace (QA workspace), where you can find „your items“.
Where as in the depositor workspace (my items) you find all items, that have been created by you, you will find in the QA workspace all items you are responsible for as moderator. Please have a look at one or both films in order to get an idea on the advantages and usage of a workspace.
New videos out on PubMan user workspaces weiterlesen
New videos out on how to submit publications to PubMan
PubMan gives several possibilities to submit publications to PubMan. In the following two easy submission methods are being explained.
Easy manual submission
Please change into the full screen mode or use this link: http://colab.mpdl.mpg.de/mediawiki/images/8/8a/Esam_start.swf
Import/Fetch from Source
Please change into the full screen mode or use this link: http://colab.mpdl.mpg.de/mediawiki/images/c/c4/Esam_import.swf
PubMan and Browsers
PubMan tries to support all commonly used browsers. A detailed list of supported browsers can be found in CoLab.
There are some things one should be aware of when using PubMan and also Browsers…
PubMan and Browsers weiterlesen
PubMan Days 2009
MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, 16th of February 2009
Here you can find the agenda of the PubMan Days 2008. All shown presentations are linked there.
The PubMan Days in autumn 2008 were a great success. Thus in 2009 there are planned two further big PubMan Meetings. With the kind support of Marion Schmidt, the first Pubman Days 2009 should take place at the MPI CBS in Leipzig. It was again a large get-together of people all dealing in a more or less intensive way with PubMan. Marion Schmidt, head of the library of the MPI CBS, wrote a report about the PubMan Days in Leipzig. We say thank you for the report and for organizing the first Pubman Days in 2009 at your institute!
PubMan Days 2009 weiterlesen