Archiv der Kategorie: Wartungsarbeiten

Maintenance operation by the GWDG

The GWDG informed us that they plan to perform the physical relocation of an important server board on Thursday, September 2. Because several server of the MPDL are located here, this operation will affect most of them.

For this reason, all PubMan services, especially the productive and the migration server will not be available for the entire day.

We are sorry for any inconveniences caused by this maintenance operation!

Migration-PubMan update

With regard to future migrations, we need to perform a major update of the PubMan version currently deployed on the migration server. The operation will include an update of the underlying core service as well.
For this reason, we have to shut down the migration server for an undetermined period of time starting Wednesday, August 4.
Unfortunately, working on imported test data and all testing activities have to be delayed until the server becomes available again.

We will inform you as soon as the new PubMan version is deployed.

Short reworking on Wednesday, August 4

Our hosting partner for PubMan – the GWDG in Göttingen – informed us that they have to perform some smaller reworking measures in connection with last week’s storage extension.
The necessary reload of the system will take place on Wednesday, August 4 at 9:00 am. During the restarting operations, PubMan again will not be available for a short period.
The whole procedure is expected to take about 10 Minutes – in case of technical difficulties it could last up to one hour.

Downtime on Thursday, July 29

We are planning to prepare our system for future developments and a growing number of users. To that purpose we will perform a storage extention for our live server on the upcoming Thursday, July 29. During the necessary operations, the live server will unfortunately not be available. The deployment of the new data storage is expected to take place between 8:30 and 11:00 am.

New core services – changes on demo instance

The long-awaited magic switch is coming;-)…

We are currently moving all PubMan instances within MPG domain to a new version of eSciDoc core services (Framework 1.2.) The procedure will take several week…and we start with our test/demo instance of PubMan on

Please be aware that your test data and test user accounts (incl. contexts, organisational units) will be wiped out due to the new Framework!
If you want to re-activate your test accounts and settings, please write an informal mail to

PubMan unfortunately down (24.03.)

Due to server problems at our hosting partner, PubMan is unfortunately not running at the moment. We are currently trying to reach someone responsible there for trouble shooting.

We are really sorry for any inconveniences and do our best to find a fast solution.

As soon as the problems are fixed, you’ll get informed.