Short reworking on Wednesday, August 4

Our hosting partner for PubMan – the GWDG in Göttingen – informed us that they have to perform some smaller reworking measures in connection with last week’s storage extension.
The necessary reload of the system will take place on Wednesday, August 4 at 9:00 am. During the restarting operations, PubMan again will not be available for a short period.
The whole procedure is expected to take about 10 Minutes – in case of technical difficulties it could last up to one hour.

Downtime on Thursday, July 29

We are planning to prepare our system for future developments and a growing number of users. To that purpose we will perform a storage extention for our live server on the upcoming Thursday, July 29. During the necessary operations, the live server will unfortunately not be available. The deployment of the new data storage is expected to take place between 8:30 and 11:00 am.

The MPDL at the Open Repositories 2010 Conference in Madrid

Visit us at the Open Repositories 2010 Conference in Madrid (July 6. – 9.)!

  • Presentation: „PubMan – one Repository with multiple Usage und Re-Use Possibilities“ Juliane Müller (General Session 2, Tues. 6, 14:00-15:30)
  • Poster Session: „The eSciDoc Infrastructure Services and Developments at the Max Planck Digital Library“ Natasa Bulatovic and Friederike Kleinfercher (Tues. 6, 18:30 – 20:00)
  • Bird-of-Feather Session: „Reusing and Extending eSciDoc for your e-Research Projects“ at Wed. 7th.

We are looking forward to see you!

A look back at PubMan Days 2010

Berlin, 19thand 20th May 2010

As has been expected, time went by quickly – the PubMan Days 2010 are over. We took many new impressions back with us to Munich and we hope that all of the attendants at least had an interesting and informative time at Harnack-Haus.

Especially, we would like to thank all speakers for their inspiring contributions. Beyond that, we were happy about the lively interest shown by the audience throughout the diverse discussions. Much to our delight, many of the attendants took the opportunity to share their opinions, requirements and ideas with us.
A look back at PubMan Days 2010 weiterlesen

Happy Migration MPI CE :)

The MPDL proudly presents the third successfully migrated institute on PubMan: The MPI for Chemical Ecology!

Together with Diana Mewes – the responsible person for the data migration at the institute – we developed an ICE-specific EndNote mapping  (which also greatly influenced the revision and improvement of our generic PubMan EndNote import)  and were finally able to migrate nearly 2000 datasets with more than 3000 fulltexts and supplementary material to PubMan.

We want to say thank you for the all time close and productive working togetherness and like to warmly welcome the MPI CE on PubMan!


New core services – changes on demo instance

The long-awaited magic switch is coming;-)…

We are currently moving all PubMan instances within MPG domain to a new version of eSciDoc core services (Framework 1.2.) The procedure will take several week…and we start with our test/demo instance of PubMan on

Please be aware that your test data and test user accounts (incl. contexts, organisational units) will be wiped out due to the new Framework!
If you want to re-activate your test accounts and settings, please write an informal mail to
