For all who missed the PubMan Days 2010 or those who want to review the given presentations, the material is now online available:
The presentations of the main program can be found on the PubMan Days 2010 event page in CoLab.
The material from the developer workshop can be viewed here.
Archiv der Kategorie: Tagungen & Workshops
PubMan Days 2010
We would like to invite our PubMan users as well as all interested people to the upcoming PubMan Days at Harnak Haus in Berlin on the 19th and 20th of May.
Interested? Then you might want to take a look at the agenda here.
PubMan Days 2010 weiterlesen
PubMan Training in Goettingen – 18th of august 2009
Andrea Seesko held another PubMan Training, this time in Goettingen, MPI for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity. Rike and me joined the training, to provide support for the more technical oriented questions.
Presenting and training on the new released PubMan Version 5.0. was an overall experience, and yes…we detected some (minor) bugs;-).
PubMan Training in Goettingen – 18th of august 2009 weiterlesen
PubMan "Schnupperkurs", 9.6.2009 in Hamburg
On June 9th, a PubMan „Schnupperkurs“ for several librarians of the Max Planck Society (MPS) took place in Hamburg. The aim of the workshop was, that the participants get a first impression on PubMan. At the beginning of the four-hour-workshop we discussed extensively; about PubMan in general. After a break, the participants could test all PubMan features on their own.
PubMan "Schnupperkurs", 9.6.2009 in Hamburg weiterlesen
PubMan Days 2009
MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, 16th of February 2009
Here you can find the agenda of the PubMan Days 2008. All shown presentations are linked there.
The PubMan Days in autumn 2008 were a great success. Thus in 2009 there are planned two further big PubMan Meetings. With the kind support of Marion Schmidt, the first Pubman Days 2009 should take place at the MPI CBS in Leipzig. It was again a large get-together of people all dealing in a more or less intensive way with PubMan. Marion Schmidt, head of the library of the MPI CBS, wrote a report about the PubMan Days in Leipzig. We say thank you for the report and for organizing the first Pubman Days in 2009 at your institute!
PubMan Days 2009 weiterlesen
PubMan Days 2008
Berlin, 5th and 6th November 2008
Here you can find the agenda of PubMan Days 2008.
Summary of the two days:
PubMan Days 2008 weiterlesen